13th July 2021 - Virtual Event

Tue 13th July 2021
Speakers this evening are: SASH, Adam Bailey from Divert, and Rebecca Chadwick from Landlord Support Legal Solutions
Tarnia Hunter - SASH
Rebecca Chadwick - Landlord Support Legal Solutions
Adam Bailey - Divert Ltd

Speakers this evening are:


SASH - how we support young people, and the impact of the pandemic

Adam Bailey from Divert - Don’t Dump It, Divert It: Waste removal, made easy

Rebecca Chadwick from Landlord Support Legal Solutions - Mistakes (Some) Landlords Make and the Steps They Should Take

The link below will take you to a recording of the event.

https://us06web.zoom.us/rec/share/Ak7OuadNo1vgTdcAwfYowco-EvaGbFWsCaj5y90aTKAtCYg-cbYaEgxDsWQMRaOE.CEM9bf-GB6qzXqe6 Passcode: dLxZ1Dd= 


Important Information
Tue 13th July 2021
This is a members-only event, however, we do allow non-members to attend one presentation meeting before joining the Association.